Prize Distribution to the winners of 
UNESCO-India-Africa (UIA) Hackathon Prize Distribution to the winners of UNESCO-India-Africa (UIA) Hackathon

Embassy of India
Lomé, Togo

Prize Distribution to the winners of UNESCO-India-Africa (UIA) Hackathon

   At the Promotion of Cultural Ties Among Diaspora event on 3 September 2023, Embassy felicitated the three winners of UNESCO-India-Africa (UIA) Hackathon from Togo. Embassy handed over the prize money of US $600.00 each to the three Togolese Hackathon winners – Yawo Emmanuel Yovo, Alexis Yehadji and Baoura Batandeo. They were part of International teams, namely, SmartDev, Unstoppables and MindHackers during the UIA Hackathon held on 22-25 November 2022 at Gautam Buddha University, NOIDA (near Delhi). The Togolese contingent comprised 17 members.


September 4, 2023